Paraffin Wrap for the Back and Joints
TreatmentsTreatment Classification:
Ancillary treatment, based on medical consultation
Treatment Character:
Paraffin wrap is a form of thermotherapy where a paraffin sheet is applied to the body part prescribed by the doctor. The source of heat is the released latent heat during the transition of paraffin from liquid to solid form.
Treatment Process:
Upon arrival for the procedure, the client removes clothing in the area of application of the wrap and lies down on a bed. A nurse applies paraffin sheets to the body according to the doctor's prescription and covers the client. After the allotted time, everything is removed, and the client is cleansed. Subsequently, the client dresses and leaves.
Main Indications:
Chronic rheumatic diseases, spine-related disorders
Main Contraindications:
Heart diseases, untreated or poorly managed hypertension, skin diseases, oncological diseases
Duration of the Treatment:
20 minutes
What to Bring to the Treatment:
It is advisable to come in a bathrobe.