TreatmentsTreatment Classification:
Ancillary treatment, based on medical consultation
Treatment Character:
Magnetotherapy is a natural and gentle physical treatment method for the body. The action of the pulsed magnetic field affects the tissues of the human body at the cellular level, leading to the suppression or complete elimination of certain health problems, cell regeneration, pain relief, vasodilation, and improved blood circulation in the exposed area. The treatment has anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, and anti-edematous effects.
Treatment Process:
Applicators in the shape of circles or plates are applied to the relevant areas of the patient's body.
Main Indications:
Degenerative, inflammatory, and functional diseases of the musculoskeletal system, neurological disorders, skin diseases, treatment of post-traumatic conditions, inflammations, edemas, rheumatic diseases, suitable for migraines.
Main Contraindications:
Pregnancy, cardiac pacemaker, bleeding of any origin, acute tuberculosis, tumor diagnosis + chemotherapy treatment (as assessed by the physician), infectious or fungal diseases, epilepsy, hematological diseases, hypotension, cardiopulmonary decompensation, two days before and two days after menstruation (individual).
Treatment Duration:
20 minutes
What to Bring for the Treatment:
Clients do not need any special clothing or equipment for this treatment. Before the treatment, it is necessary to remove mobile phones, electronic watches, headphones, metal keys, and credit cards.