TreatmentsTreatment Classification:
Ancillary treatment, no prescription needed.
Treatment Character:
Mineral water from the Forest Spring is used for inhalations. Inhalation helps to relax bronchial muscle spasms, widen their lumen, and loosen mucus from the respiratory tract mucosa. It has anti-inflammatory effects.
Treatment Process:
The client sits by the inhalation device and slowly inhales the cold aerosol through the nose or mouth.
Chronic respiratory tract diseases, bronchial asthma, prevention against respiratory tract catarrhs, allergic manifestations in the respiratory tract area, hay fever, chronic bronchopneumonia, chronic laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, and rhinitis.
Main Contraindications:
Acute respiratory tract infections.
Treatment Duration:
10 minutes
What to Bring for the Treatment:
Clients do not need any special clothing or equipment for this treatment.